For more than 40 years after opening in 1875, it was the longest tunnel in North America.

Nearly a decade before the Brooklyn Bridge opened for business, tunnelers successfully bored 25,081 ft, or roughly five miles, through the Hoosac Mountain in western Massachusetts. For more than 40 years after opening in 1875, it was the longest tunnel in North America.

根据建筑学者Cliff Schexnayder的说法,新书的新工具和材料的设计导致了其他人仍在使用中,以完成大规模的隧道。"Builders of the Hoosac Tunnel"(Peter E. Randall Publisher,2015年)。


"The introduction of the Burleigh Rock Drill into the Hoosac Tunnel marked the beginning of modern tunneling," Schexnayder writes. "Mechanically powered rock drilling was no longer a dream or an inventor's tinkering—it was finally a practical reality."
The epic project did not come without its setbacks. For example, the book details a chilling scene in October 1867, when 13 men died inside a 581-ft-deep central shaft after naphtha lamps started a deadly blaze.
