
That�s how leaders of three design and construction companies described methods of fending off despair and rallying staffs during the financial crisis that has engulfed global economies and the construction industry. They joined other market sector leaders from industry, government and Wall Street to analyze current realities and optimize solutions at �Managing Construction�s Financial Crisis,� an ENR/McGraw-Hill Construction-sponsored conference in New York City Feb. 24-25.

Bill Siegel
照片:Richard Korman/Enn新利18备用

Ira Levy, president of AECOM’s DMJM Harris unit in New York City, put it this way: “Will revenue shrink? Most probably. Will profits shrink as much? Not necessarily.” A better question to ask, said Levy, is, “When the economy comes back, will your company be on top?” He urged other managers to create a vision for the future and to be prepared to “capture the upswing.”

Levy made his remarks amid other presentations about worsening economic condition and about whether large project infrastructure debt financing can get back on its feet. Disparaging the “doom and gloom” he has encountered at other conferences, Levy projected an air of determination. Like President Barack Obama, who made an upbeat nationwide address the evening of Feb. 24, Levy and the two other company executives predicted a bright economic morning that eventually will dawn.


Levy said that the stimulus didn’t contain a “process to get the cash out,” and because the money was being funded in the style of a block grant, obtaining payments may be excruciating. “So when you start putting in the invoices, there will be crisis to get the money out,” he predicted.

Given those realities, business “is not zero,” and goes on, Levy said.

纽约投资银行Citi的基础设施和能源融资总监斯图尔特·默里(Stewart Murray)指出:“这不是一个漂亮的情况,但在许多领域,它并不像每个人想象的那样糟糕。”他说,投资者正在“将资金堆放到投资级债券中”,这是“公用事业公司可以以良好利率获得现金的好消息”。但是他承认,标记的股权是“沮丧的,世界各地的银行的能力较小,投入项目的资本较低”。新利18备用网址


Michael Kappaz, CEO of K&M Group of Cos., a power plant developer-builder a former Bechtel Power vice president, noted that smaller energy projects will be most favored. “We must collectively make sense of the crisis and structure projects that make sense,” he said.

这场危机可能会影响计划中的核能大型投资的进度,但支持者说,感知到的需求将使市场保持档位,安全问题不再是障碍。新利18备用网址AIG Global Marine&Energy的执行副总裁Bob Percopo指出,该公司是“风能和太阳能项目的重要支持者,但这还不够。”新利18备用网址他指出,到2035年,核能占美国电力组合的30%,“这是95种新工厂。好多啊。但是,我们似乎对辩论技术更感兴趣。”

In the transportation funding arena, Cheryl Jones, the U.S. Transportation Dept.’s senior project finance advisor its TIFIA innovative finance program, emphasized that the current stimulus package “was not the entire solution.” She contended that the current credit tightening has boosted interest in the TIFIA program “to an all time high. “We have favorable terms for large projects that need time to produce revenue.” Pamela Bailey-Campbell, senior vice president at Parsons Brinckerhoff, noted that “a huge hole in this crisis is the absence of bond insurers. TIFIA can play that role by funding a project’s pre-development costs. TIFIA is more powerful in its leverage than banks for transportation projects.”

Campbell hinted that that the current economic pinch could ease by 2010, “but it depends on how many other shoes fall.”

匹兹堡Limbach设施服务公司首席执行官查理·培根(Charlie Bacon)表示,与此同时,在围绕集会员工至关重要的核心围绕着核心。他指出,他的公司曾经由安然公司拥有,在2000年遭受了父母逝世的危机,并在管理人新利18备用员收购后,在管理安全事业上进行了士气低落的员工,从而节省了市场份额。培根说:“在林巴赫,人们认为安全救了公司。”他补充说:“我不知道您的业务有什么能力。”他暗示环保主义可以帮助激发员工。他说:“我们有很多年轻人和大学毕业生,他们希望我们拯救地球。”

激励员工的薪酬any stock holdings have fallen in value in recent months is a growing challenge for CEOs, noted Bill Siegel, who will take over in April as CEO at Kleinfelder Inc., the San Diego-based engineering firm. But he told conference attendees: “Don’t forget the future. We still have a $14-trillion economy and things do turn around. So outcompete the competition, and keep an eye on the future.” Siegel added that “when time are tough, great teams steal market share.”