Ontario Commission of Inquiry
M.R. Wright&Associates的前总裁罗伯特·伍德(Robert Wood)在调查委员会听证会上作证说,2012年致命的购物中心屋顶崩溃。


The engineer who wrote a report based on a visual inspection, stating that the mall roof was sound in May only weeks before the roof slab collapsed last June 23, killing two women inside, also had a suspended license at the time of the inspection, according to testimony June 6 and 7 at the commission of inquiry conducted by the Ontario government in Elliot Lake.

He was the president of the engineering firm, but he had recently lost his license. And he was unaware that his own firm had had inspected problems with leaks at the same structure years earlier.


证词提供了有关导致悲剧的事件的最详细信息。目击者还提供了30人工程公司M.R. Wright&Associates,Inc。,Sault St. Marie及其前首席所有者兼总裁Robert Wood的情况。

During his testimony,伍德说,他为那些丧生的人以及对家人所做的一切感到抱歉。他指出,他的生活也受到影响,并且由于悲剧而退休。

伍德曾经是著名的结构设计师,失去了执照。他亲自对艾略特湖(Elliot Lake)进行了艾尔戈中心购物中心(Algo Center Mall)的检查 - 这项工作也可能是由年轻的,经验丰富的工程毕业生完成的。

据M.R. Wright的前工程经理兼公司少数派合作伙伴Gregory Saunders称,伍德在职业生涯的整个职业生涯中一直在工程学工作了38年,并在他的职业生涯中设计了许多建筑结构。桑德斯(Saunders)已在伍德(Wood)的购物中心屋顶上签署了视觉检查报告。屋顶还用作停车甲板。

The mall’s steel structure had had rusting, too, but no one had considered it significant at the time or was alarmed by what appeared to be surface rust only.


委员会的调查是一个异常彻底的过程,自3月以来,该过程大约有60天的诉讼程序。But the two most culpaple parties in the tragedy had not yet testified until June 6 and 7.

Saunders' testimony portrayed Wood as a once-prominent building structural designer nearing the end of his active career but still the majority owner of the firm (the company has since been sold).

In the recent past, Wood had designed a small bridge that failed to meet code and had had his license suspended for the oversight. After arguing initially that the bridge didn’t need to meet code because it was on private land, Wood eventually agreed to the suspension and decided not to take required exams to regain his license, according to Saunders' testimony.

Deleting Report Content

Some of the testimony made it seem as if Wood had compromised with the mall’s owner, Robert Nazarian, who needed the inspection for new mortgage financing for the mall.


在调查委员会首席律师布鲁斯·卡尔·哈里斯(Bruce Carr-Harris)的询问下,伍德承认,他没有像他在埃利奥特湖购物中心(Elliot Lake Mall)遇到的那样在购物中心处理腐蚀的经验。


