Gilbane Building Co. has chosen its first non-family member—who also is a company outsider—as its next president and chief operating officer, contractor Chairman and CEO Tom Gilbane confirmed on June 11.


In his CH2M Hill role, McKelvy was responsible for profit-loss and delivery for global regions and served as director of corporate risk, safety, security, procurement, project controls, design and quality, according to Gilbane.

“Mike truly understands who we are as a company and is a perfect complement to our existing leadership team,” said Tom Gilbane in a statement. McKelvy will immediately assume companywide profit-and-loss responsibility, the contractor said.

麦克凯利, who joined CH2M Hill in 2003 with its acquisition of South Carolina engineering firm Lockwood Greene, has held a number of high-level executive roles, including being president of its government, environment and infrastructure division as well as its industrial and manufacturing and life-sciences divisions.

He has degrees in architecture and environmental science.

吉尔班(Gilbane)告新利18备用诉ENR,麦克凯利(McKelvy)的管理经验将帮助吉尔班(Gilbane)在其联邦和国际业务中建造。他说,该公司现在在15个国家 /地区工作。

Gilbane Building在ENR排名前400名承包商名单上排名第新利18备用14,2013年收入为40亿美元。CH2M Hill在ENR排名前500家设计公司名新利18备用单中排名第三,工程收入为35.8亿美元,2013年总收入约为60亿美元。


He said fifth-generation Gilbane family members now run the company's businesses in Washington, D.C., New York and Texas.

汤姆·吉尔班(Tom Gilbane)表示,该公司寻找新的COO总统包括内部候选人,“大多数人已经与我们在一起已有25年了。”

CH2M Hill has named Executive Vice President Michael A. Szomjassy to succeed McKelvy, according to its website. Szomjassy had been global energy markets president, responsible for the firm’s oil, gas & chemicals and power business units. He remains in his role as corporate chief operational excellence officer.

Szomjassy joined CH2M Hill in 2007.


The change takes effect in the fall, the company said.

韦斯特伯里(Westbury)在23年后离开布罗·哈普(Buro Happold),其中包括三名首席执行官。他是该公司最小的伙伴,享年30岁。

韦斯特伯里(Westbury)的结构工程工作包括千年圆顶,该圆顶获得了皇家工程学院的麦克罗伯特奖。伊丽莎白女王(Queen Elizabeth)在2013年使他成为大英帝国勋章的指挥官。

Buro Happold has since named four-year firm partner Roger Nickells as CEO, effective June 25. He previously served the firm's Middle East managing director.

一位女发言人说:“保罗·韦斯特伯里(Paul Westbury)离开了布罗·哈普尔德(Buro Happold),这是一个非常坚实的立足点。”“现在是为组织带来不同能量和领导风格的好时机,继续恢复工程价值的旅程。”


丹佛CH2M Hill Cos。首席交付官Michael E. McKelvy,该公司的26年退伍军人及其收购的部队将于7月7日在Gilbane Building担任新职务。他将接任Jr. Bill Gilbane Jr.,Jr。谁成为副主席。吉尔班(Gilbane)自2004年以来一直担任过他的先前角色,总部位于英格兰的全球工程师Buro Happold担任建筑公司的设计和工程服务集团技术总监。