TRT Holdings总部是一座345,000平方英尺的建筑套件,A级办公楼,包括六层,总计170,195平方英尺的办公空间和两级,174,137平方英尺,低于等级的停车位。布拉斯菲尔德(Brasfield&Gorrie)领导了位于达拉斯(Dallas)历史悠久的老帕克兰医院校园的设计建筑项目的建设。

Craig D. Blackmon的照片

主要道路和一个被占领的办公室复杂bordered the project site, creating a variety of obstacles for storage and laydown. To overcome this, the project team carefully scheduled deliveries to create as little need for storage as possible. In addition, approximately 85,000 cu yd of contaminated soil on the site were carefully tested and removed during mass excavation for the below-grade parking structure.

The building's complex skin features intricate masonry and stonework. An aggressive schedule required that the masonry skin and a significant masonry site package be constructed on all four sides of the building simultaneously, and at the same time as the single-story dining hall. Site constraints required moving the masons' staging and cast stone delivery areas at predetermined dates so the masonry work would not be impeded and other trades could also work in the same area.






Key Players

总承包人达拉斯的Brasfield&Gorrie LLC

所有者TRT Holdings,达拉斯

线索设计HKS Inc.,达拉斯