First comes natural gas, then the infrastructure needed to support it. That's a formula that has meant growth for the Texas and Louisiana construction industry over the past few years. The end result is continuing strength for the region's specialty contractors.




MMR建筑商巴吞鲁日(Baton Rouge)高级副总裁Grady Saucier说:“电气市场看起来绝对很棒。”“我从事这项业务已有40年了,从未见过我们现在拥有的机会,尤其是在墨西哥湾沿岸。”他将激增归功于整个地区的天然气。


MMR的区域收入去年达到4.53亿美元,比其2012年数量增加了1.5亿美元。增长部分是由于承包商决定在德克萨斯州敖德萨这样的地方开设分支机构,以帮助建立压裂所需的基础设施。他说:“我们还将服务的范围扩大到科珀斯克里斯蒂(Corpus Christi)的办公室,与鹰福特(Eagle Ford)[页岩编队]有关。”“随着这些办公室的增加,它扩大了我们进入其中一些压裂区域的能力。”


该地区的机械和管道专业lso remain strong, says Mike Kotubey, president of TDIndustries, Dallas. "There are still significant margin pressures through much of Texas. Health care and office construction is robust in Houston, technology is strong through the San Antonio-Austin region and new data centers are being developed across the state. All have complex mechanical and electrical systems in them, so the opportunities abound," he says.

Dallas is also experiencing "significant commercial growth in the office market," while "the health care market will be seeing a downturn since two major hospitals totaling over 3 million sq ft are finishing by year's end," Kotubey adds. "There's nothing in the pipeline to replace that type of project in the near future. With Toyota moving to the DFW metro area, we will see significant opportunities in the automotive market, albeit in knowledge workers rather than in manufacturing or assembly [jobs]."