The oil and gas boom coupled with an improved economy and a better financing environment boosted contractor bookings last year in Texas and Louisiana, and could serve as a launching pad for revenue spikes in 2014. Combined revenue of the Top 10 firms in the ENR Texas & Louisiana annual Top Contractors survey reached $9.84 billion in 2012—the highest since the recession took hold. The results reverse a downward trend among the top firms in which revenue fell from $9.4 billion in 2009 to $8.3 billion in 2011.

Petrochemical projects played heavily into this year's ranking. Turner Industries Group, Baton Rouge, retained its top spot, tallying more than $2 billion in revenue in Texas and Louisiana in 2012. Fort Worth-based Kiewit, which gleans more than half its revenue from petroleum and industrial work, ranked second with $1.37 billion in regional revenue. S&B Engineers and Constructors, Houston, jumped to No. 4 from No. 13 last year, with $1 billion in local oil-and-gas projects.


尽管石化工作助长了最大的公司,但几家通用建筑公司也在2012年获得了显着改善。休斯敦的曼哈顿建筑公司的收入为5.36亿美元,在三年内获得了最佳成绩,从去年排名第22位,今年排名第10。该公司可以将一些重大项目归功于其在达拉斯/沃思堡国际机场终端续期和改新利18备用网址善计划中的8亿美元合同合同的合资部分。合同范围包括去年对B和E的改进,该公司还完成了巴吞鲁日(Baton Rouge)的2.28亿美元的L'Auberge Casino&Hotel,以及德克萨斯州大学公园的乔治·布什总统中心。

稳定的体育场工作也是曼哈顿成绩的主要贡献者。在休斯敦,该公司去年完成了6000万美元的LEED-SILVER认证BBVA指南针体育场,并在休斯敦大学的8500万美元工厂破土动工。目前,该公司正在与Vaughn Construction的合资企业中的3.75亿美元的德克萨斯农工大学A&M University Field Redevervement项目进行建设。

曼哈顿高级副总裁鲍勃·杰克(Bob Jack)表示,也许更有前途的是,更多的私人开发人员驱动的机会正在向前发展,包括投机性办公项目。新利18备用网址他说:“我们已经有一段时间没有见过的商业建筑复兴。”“在休斯敦和达拉斯,为开发商和客户提供了大量的办公室建设工作。这对我们的公司来说是一个惊喜和重要的。”

As a result, Jack says Manhattan is landing work in 2013 that will hit the books next year. "This year will be steady [compared with] last year, but there have been significant bookings that will cash flow in 2014," he says. "That will be a strong year."

特纳(Turner)建筑公司(Turner Construction Cos)也正在看到其最近在德克萨斯州的投资开始有所回报。该公司在2012年获得了5亿美元的本地收入,这是自经济衰退之前最高的。特纳建筑公司副总裁迈克·卡曼(Mike Kaiman)表示,该公司在低迷期间投资了建立其奥斯汀和圣安东尼奥的运营,以便为衰退后的机会做好准备。结果,它在这些市场中的几个项目中找到了工作,包括在春季完成的奥斯汀的新美国退伍新利18备用网址军人事务门门诊中心。特纳还为圣安东尼奥的CPS Energy等客户进行了几项技术项目。新利18备用网址

This year, the company inked deals for the new San Antonio International Airport consolidated rental car facility as well as a construction manager at-risk contract for six projects for the San Antonio Independent School District.

"Normally, it wouldn't seem like the right move to make during a recession, but we made investments and developed relationships that helped improve our revenue lines for 2012 and 2013," he says. "We wanted to get a foothold before projects came out, and we hit the market at just the right time."