克拉克的建设似乎to have taken to heart the slogan “Everything is bigger in Texas.” Throughout its 30 years in the Texas market, the national firm, which is headquartered in Bethesda, Md., has focused on large jobs. But in recent years that strategy reached a new level as Clark—in a joint venture with Hunt Construction—added such megaprojects as the $730-million San Antonio Military Medical Center. The firm's Texas portfolio has amassed a combined value of $2.6 billion over three decades, with its current projects comprising $1.1 billion of that tally.

克拉克(Clark)在11月开业的圣安东尼奥国际机场(San Antonio International Airport)建立了新的B,这是与承包商Thos合资的一部分。S伯恩。
Megaprojects, such as the $730-million San Antonio Military Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston, ranked Clark among the top 10 contractors in the region.


鉴于该公司能够成功地定位自身在下跌经济期间为区域增长定位的能力,德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州的克拉克建筑将其2011年度承包商任命为Clark Construction。新利18备用



In forging a regional growth strategy, Sid Jordan, CEO for the firm's northern-southern region, thinks big. Large, complex projects on which Clark can leverage its expertise and prove its value are primary targets, he says.

While the company strives to maintain a consistent presence in the region, it stays disciplined in its approach. Jordan says Clark is careful to not overcommit itself with unnecessary overhead expenses, focusing instead on establishing more direct contact with clients.



尽管去年其地区收入激增,但克拉克的成功并不是突然的。多年来,它为德克萨斯州的投资组合增加了数十个大型项目。新利18备用网址在休斯敦,主要项目包括1998年完成新利18备用网址的1.27亿硕士安德森癌症中心和2002年在2002年完成的路易斯安那州办公大楼。7月,克拉克(Clark)在休斯顿的威廉·P·霍比机场(William P. Hobby Airport)完成了一项为期五年的2.5亿美元翻新项目。

在圣安东尼奥,克拉克(Clark)于1995年在萨姆·休斯顿堡(Fort Sam Houston)建造了2.32亿美元的布鲁克军队医疗中心,并于2001年扩大了圣安东尼奥会议中心。它最初建造的布鲁克陆军设施的翻新。同时,它在11月开业的圣安东尼奥国际机场(San Antonio International Airport)建造了1.58亿美元的码头B,这是与THOS合资的一部分。S.伯恩。


作为这种方法的一部分,约旦进行操作s staff in business development opportunities. “As a national player, we can move people around from job to job, but we have people who like an area and want to stay there,” he says. “We tell them, 'Be successful on this job and create opportunities for other work that will keep you here.' It's a decentralized approach, but it works.”