大约15年前,Dale Dekker,Steve Perich和Bill Sabatinididn't just merge their firms; the architects also brought together their professional dreams to develop a regional design studio that would provide unsurpassed service to customers in the Southwest and opportunities for a top-notch and ever-growing staff.


Dekker and Perich first joined forces in 1987 as co-owners of Dekker, Perich & Associates. "At that time, there were about seven or eight of us in the firm," Perich says. "By 1998, we were up to about 55 people. We were finding ourselves a bit stretched thin as far as marketing, landing work and keeping on top of the growth of the business."

Dekker and Perich specialized in housing and commercial and government work, whereas Sabatini focused on higher education and health care. The fact that Sabatini had extensive experience in building types that Dekker and Perich had not yet expanded their portfolio into resulted in a merger for all the right reasons.

"Based on the minimal overlap of clients and expertise, we felt a merger would be additive rather than subtractive," Perich says. "That proved to be pretty accurate over the next few years as we saw explosive growth."

到2000年代中期,Dekker/Perich/Sabatini的年收入已达到近2500万美元,该公司于2004年交付了诸如180,000平方英尺的长老会卫生服务East East诸如2004年25,000平方英尺的长老会健康服务等签名项目新利18备用网址急诊系在2007年,内华达州拉斯维加斯李市35,000平方英尺和托马斯·布纳斯音乐中心(Thomas Beam Music Center)以及许多其他项目。新利18备用网址


"There is a lot of focus—sometimes nationally—on being very specialized," Perich says. "[Being diverse] was something we identified as a way we wanted to develop our firm, and we have been diligent in that."

It’s About the Buildings

这种多样性导致了最近获得认可的广泛项目清单,其中包括北卡罗来纳州里约兰乔市的460,000平方英尺的Ru新利18备用网址st Medical Center,尽管该项目在他们的后院,D/p/s也很激烈地参加了比赛。项目,通过设计采用所有建筑实践来赢得合同,以增加患者的康复。结果是,新墨西哥州房地产开发集团Naiop授予了视觉奖的设施,这不仅是建筑成就,而且是医疗成就。

"[The facility] is meeting everybody's expectations, if not exceeding them," Sabatini says. "The patient satisfaction scores are very high. All of the numbers are good, and people love the building. We were able to design a building that is at the leading edge of how those facilities are set up and designed to improve health care outcomes."

Another recent success story is the Del Norte High School project for Albuquerque Public Schools, which won a Best Projects award from ENR Southwest in 2012. The campus accommodates up to 1,200 students and features small learning communities with clustered classrooms and a separate ninth grade academy.

德克说:“这确实是在重建一所实现其有用目的的高中。”“这是一栋50年历史的建筑,被替换了。它有助于振兴我们城镇的一个需要射击的区域,并在该市贩运最高的十字路口上放了一张新面孔,如果不是州。对我来说,在阿尔伯克基长大了 - 我去了公立学校,这是一个具有里程碑意义的项目。”