With a few exceptions, construction activity in the four-state Southeast region remains less robust than many builders would like. But the region's design firms are starting to sense a change in the market.

Responses to ENR Southeast's annual survey of Top Design Firms, which generates the ranking published here, increased significantly from a year ago, as did the firms' collective revenue. And industry sentiment appears to be on the rise.

奥兰多Schenkelshultz Architecture的总裁兼首席运营官J. Thomas Chandler说:“我们感觉好多了,与去年相比,市场上的活动更加强大。”钱德勒(Chandler)列举了佛罗里达州的篮板住房市场,这可能表明了整体上涨的范围。

"I think we're starting to see the beginning of another run," he says. "People are feeling more comfortable that there's legs to it this time, and it's not the start-stop cycle we've seen over the last five years."



Some firms, such as Charleston, S.C.-based LS3P, are seeing an increasingly diverse number of business opportunities. As a result, "we saw a lot of recovery last year," says Thom Penney, president and CEO of LS3P, which ENR Southeast profiles in this issue.


总部位于夏洛特·利特尔(Charlotte Little)的总裁兼首席运营官约翰·科米辛(John Komisin)通过电子邮件说:“我们2013年的收入增加是由于客户数量增加以及我们主要行新利18备用网址业实践领域的项目数量。”他还认为“开发商和公共市场的重新唤醒”(包括零售,办公室和医疗保健)是增长领域。


“我们看到客户开始看P3选项as a way of delivering classroom and other administrative infrastructure," he says. "There's no question that it is generating activity and that it is being looked at as an alternative to direct funding from the state."

同时,随着整个市场动量的扩大,某些地理区域开始领先于其他地区。例如,亚特兰大都会区有两个大联盟体育场项目向前发展,可以在六年内产生最高的合同。新利18备用网址2014年,麦格劳·希尔(McGraw Hill)建设预测该地区的新合同价值超过100亿美元。