
Now, more than 50 years later, the Fund has maintained its pivotal role, driving a new SUNY expansion that is helping all regions of the state recover from the recession. "When the economy is dragging behind, the Fund can be a great engine for boosting it," says William Held, the Fund's director of construction.

根据该基金的网站,在2008年辞职之前,与州立法机关合作的前州长艾略特·斯皮策(Eliot Spitzer)为该基金制定了一项2008 - 2013年资本计划,该计划向州经济注入了近49亿美元。

In fact, the Fund is now wrapping up two remaining projects under the program—the $38-million Computer Science Building at SUNY Stony Brook and the $63-million Stocking Hall rehabilitation at Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. "The five-year program hit when the market was very flat," Held says. "Contractors who weren't bidding out for work changed; it made for a very aggressive bidding process because companies wanted to keep their core staff. This enabled contractors to keep their best people and put more money into communities."

Through three consecutive multiyear capital plans under two administrations over the past 10 years, some $8.3 billion was invested in capital construction to create more than 66,000 SUNY construction jobs. In routinely performing building assessment surveys through its Sightlines Data Program and then developing master plans for campuses based on the findings, the Fund has continued this momentum.

捕捉信息;根据举行,这个项目n on a building—top to bottom, inside and out. This shows its condition and determines if needs can be resolved by critical maintenance work, such as replacing roofs and HVAC systems, or if a new "strategic initiative" is involved—typically requiring the construction of a new building. Examples include the $105-million SUNY Albany Emerging Technologies Entrepreneurship complex, set to go out for bid in December, and the $45-million School of Pharmacy at the University of Binghamton, expected to be bid next spring.

The Fund's contribution to the economy of New York and to the state and regional construction industry as well as its emphasis on project safety and on providing opportunity to small, minority and women-owned businesses have led ENR's regional editors to select it as ENR New York's 2015 Owner of the Year.



The Fund covers work at 32 campuses and now has more than 75 projects underway totaling $1.2 billion. They include the $293-million Stony Brook University Hospital Medical and Research Translation (MART) Building, which ranks No. 13 on this year's Top Starts list. Led by general contractor E.W. Howell Co., Plainview, N.Y., the 2020 Stony Brook project includes construction of the 245,000-sq-ft MART building and a 225,000-sq-ft hospital pavilion. MART will house imaging, neurosciences, cancer research and care and serve as the new home for the university's cancer center. It also will include 25 cancer biology-oriented labs and a 300-seat auditorium. The 10-story pavilion will have 150 inpatient beds and a two-story children's hospital. The project, which broke ground in March 2014, is set for completion by fall 2016.

该基金是最有价值clien E.W.豪厄尔的之一ts over the last 35 years, says Howard Rowland, firm president. "As a public owner, its professional approach and responsiveness and its equitable resolution to the many issues during the construction process is well respected throughout the construction industry," he says.

The Fund's other major project, 2020 Buffalo, is a $275-million building for the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (No. 16 on the Top Starts list). The project is part of the Cuomo administration's NYSUNY 2020 program that is aimed at jump-starting the city's building boom. "Downtown Buffalo is changing dramatically," Held says." "[This project] is absolutely contributing to that and we're excited to be a part of it."

该项目由吉尔巴恩建筑公司(Gilbane Building Co.)和LIRO集团(Liro Group)领导,该项目包括一个七层楼的设施,该设施将为2,000名学生,教职员工和临床医生提供支持,并提供患者空间。它是在尼亚加拉边境运输管理局的艾伦/医疗校园火车站建造的。该项目针对LEED黄金认证,计划在2017年秋季开放。霍尔德说:“我们目前正在努力迈向2017年5月中旬的有益占用率。”

Gilbane项目主管Jay Johnson说:“这是州长Cuomo和基金的高优先项目。”“该基金组成了一个经验丰富且敬业的团队,迄今为止,与[成员]的所有沟通和界面都非常出色。”

In addition, under M/WBE participation goals that are in line with those mandated by Cuomo, participation is highly encouraged through outreach programs. "We tailor certain carve-outs [of the project] where we can help M/WBE firms grow and participate in the project," says Johnson. "The Fund takes these goals very seriously." Total MWBE participation is currently mandated at a 20% level and is expected to increase to 30% in the future, Held says, adding that nearly $40 million has been paid to more than 300 qualified prime contractors and subcontractors for work performed during the past fiscal year.

为了满足基金项目同样高优先级的安全标准,总承包商LP Ciminelli举办定期安排的工具箱会议,并使用Int新利18备用网址ernet计划DB02立即分享安全检查结果。该基金的区域安全总监还每月一次与该公司的安全人员会面,所有者代表参加每周的现场练习。

Gilbane's Johnson adds that the University of Buffalo also has a team of representatives who perform their own safety inspections on a regular basis.

Partnering Up

The Fund has a history of working collaboratively with project teams. So far it has won two partnering awards from the Associated General Contractors of New York State for work with FAHS Construction and The Pike Co. on the 2013 Richard Shineman Center for Science, Engineering and Technology at SUNY Oswego and more recently, for work with Gilbane last year on the SUNY Potsdam Performing Arts Center.

“吉尔班(Gilbane)在12个不同的校园中为基金提供了12年以上的建筑管理服务。通过这一经验,我们建立了牢固的工作关系;他们重视我们作为该过程的合作伙伴,对所有有关方面都公平。”约翰·拉罗(John Larow),纽约州北部副总裁。“寻求我们的专业意见,我们的想法是在项目层面和整个工作组合中实施的。该基金拥有一个深厚的专业组织。”

Steven Goldberg, partner at architecture firm Mitchell/Giurgola, New York City, credits the Fund with jump-starting his practice in 1969 with work on the student union at SUNY Plattsburgh. He points to former Fund CEO Anthony G. Adinolfi, who "had a vision of bringing younger firms in to help with master plans." The architect has since worked on six other Fund projects, now completing work on the Stocking Hall rehabilitation at Stony Brook and beginning design on the $27-million renovation of the 74,000-sq-ft Houghton Hall at SUNY Fredonia. "Our experience with the Fund has been really great," Goldberg says. "We're very fortunate to have them as a client."


该基金从债券的国家货币中获得资本,一直通过一年计划获得资金,例如Nysuny 2020计划,其中包括SUNY的四个大学中心的项目,包括Albany,Binghamton,Buffalo和Stony Brook - 反对新利18备用网址五年计划。

"When the administration changed, Gov. Cuomo was looking to get state spending under tighter control," Held says. But Fund officials would like to get back to five-year plans that "make it easier to work with campuses and offer more flexibility," he adds. "With one-year plans, the Fund has to refocus and really closely evaluate the needs of the college as well as pay attention to the economy, because you don't know if the money will still be there the following year."

现在,官员们正在等待政府批准该基金最近提交的2015 - 2020年资本支出计划,以说服立法者返回五年的方法。但是,无论批准什么支出计划,该基金都将产生稳定的工作。霍尔德说:“我们仍然有大量的项目要完成。”新利18备用网址“归根结底,[项目]所有人都将取得成功,因为我们已经完成了新利18备用网址。”