在截至近六十年的职业生涯中,Ken Sletten目睹了建筑业内的重大变化。他的同事们甚至通过推动一些范式转变来信任他。其中包括快速轨道调度和保证 - 最高价格合同。两者都成为行业规范。

“他创造了谈判的工作类型,”10级建筑院长丹尼斯·吉尔斯(Dennis Giles)说,楼层倾向于30多年。“他说,而不是讨厌工作,并与所有者有所同时,让我们走上桌子的主人,成为他的代理人。”

In 1956, after he earned a master's of business administration from Stanford's Graduate School of Business, Sletten became a project engineer for a mid-size contractor, Williams and Burrows. During one of his first projects, the 221-unit Sequoias retirement community in Portola Valley, Sletten realized the importance of scheduling when "three of the subcontractors went broke," he says.

因此,民心说他不得不设计一个卫理公会教徒d to rescue the project. "I invented a two-week rolling schedule to manage that job, and in particular the subcontractors who were broke," he says. Sletten also attacked costly and time-consuming punch-list work by insisting that jobs be done right the first time. He would later present this to potential clients as a "zero punch list" approach.

1961年,斜坡共同创立了鲁道夫,并用Onslow鲁道夫 - 另一个威廉姆斯和洞穴退伍军人倾斜的一般承包商。Rudolph的车库加倍作为Duo的办公室。

At the time, the technology industry—soon to become known as Silicon Valley—was about to explode with growth. Rudolph and Sletten realized that construction would have to quicken its pace to keep up with an industry where products—and the plants that produce them—become obsolete in just a couple of years.

"We basically had to pick up a year on the construction schedule or [our clients] would be behind their own invention schedule," Sletten says.

"It was really obvious that the way people were building buildings at that time, it couldn't happen," he says. "So we started doing things like fast-track construction."


Rudolph和Sletten很快就会溢出工作。承包商为Fairchild Semiconductor,Memorex,AMD,Intel,Hewlett-Packard,Sylvania和Xerox等硅谷公司建造了第一家芯片谷企业的第一家芯片设施,洁净室和公司校园。吉尔斯说,由于承包商的首页,许多公司因承包商的佩奇而重复客户,因为承包商的倾向于满足具有挑战性的时间表,解决困难问题和建立建筑物。

Later, Apple, Genentech, Scripps Research Institute, Monterey Bay Aquarium and Lucasfilm also became clients. By the early 2000s, annual construction revenue hit $1 billion.


Level 10 has grown exponentially each year and has $600 million in annual revenue. Giles credits the success to using Sletten's time-tested principles.

"My business plan is to duplicate what Ken did at the original Rudolph and Sletten," he says. "Everything about it was the right way to run a business."