AGC of California held its first division and state board of directors meetings of 2012 recently at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Sacramento, followed by the Installation of Officers’ banquet.

加州的2012年2012年官员的AGC从左右提供,即时过去总统格里迪奥利,赫尔佐格·契约公司海边;财务主管Jon Ball,Hensel Phelps建筑有限公司,圣何塞;副总裁Curt Weltz,Flatiron West,Inc。,Benicia;萨克拉门托总统约翰尼南尼纳;高级副总裁Randy Douglas,Tierra Contracting,Inc。,Goleta;加州首席执行官汤姆霍尔斯曼AGC。

AGC’s state board covered a wide range of business issues during its meeting, including an overview of the association’s major goals and legislative program for 2012 as well as highlights of major accomplishments by AGC in 2011.

One major success on the regulatory front was the national 3% withholding requirements repeal. Also in the past year, the permit for stormwater went into effect and, currently, AGC is the only statewide construction trade association to provide QSP and QSD training. The association continued to excel in education and training efforts, adding multiple new programs and online webinars.

南希·麦克费登州长我执行秘书rry Brown, was keynote speaker at the board of directors meeting. She addressed the many current challenges facing the administration, including a budget put on the table this year that she said is designed to keep California on a good fiscal path. McFadden invited AGC and its members to work with the current administration to help move California forward and asked them to share industry concerns.

AGC of California’s two occupational division boards of directors, the Building Division and Joint Engineering Division, held their first meetings of the year on January 26.


Additional speakers to the Building Division included Paul Coleman, deputy director of the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), who discussed various facets of OSHPD’s review and approval of billions of dollars of hospital construction currently underway and coming up over the next few years; Jeff Baize, CEO of Brookhurst Development Corp., who discussed P3’s; and Gade Mobley, Flatiron West, Inc., and Kate Smiley, AGC safety director, who talked about jobsite safety and AGC’s leadership role in the safety arena.

AGC的联合工程部听取各种对运输资金,高速铁路项目,工作前景等的引人注目的地址。各种各样的发言者包括:Mark Leja,Caltrans的建筑主任;埃里克曼德尔,小型和残疾退伍军人服务的首席官员 - DGS;伯特桑德曼,执行董事,加利福尼亚州行政总监;加利福尼亚州执行董事Jim Earp联盟工作;戴夫阿克曼,AGC倡导者;和高速铁路管理局的代表。

200多人在加利福尼亚州宴会宴会的安装期间,加州2012年的领导至2012年的领导至关重要。安装的2012年官员包括萨克拉门托奥格兰州诺南总统约翰尼南;高级副总裁Randy Douglas,Tierra Contracting,Inc。,Goleta;副总裁Curt Weltz,Flatiron West,Inc。,Benicia;财务主管Jon Ball,Hensel Phelps建筑有限公司,圣何塞;并立即过去总统德里·迪奥利,赫尔佐格·契约,河边。汤姆霍尔斯曼担任加利福尼亚州AGC的首席执行官。
