“ express”一词具有双重含义在北弗吉尼亚州的95 Express项目中。对于每天在首都环城公路以南95号州际公路延伸29英里的超过200,000辆汽车中,该项目将于2015年初完成,旨在减轻拥塞和加速交通流量。对于工程师和施工人员而言,目标是加快在旅行的动脉中间建造的10亿美元项目。

The project will convert 20 miles of the highway's existing 40-year-old, dedicated high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes south of the Beltway into dynamically tolled lanes available to all motorists willing to pay. It also will widen 14 miles of existing HOV highway to three lanes from two and carve nine new miles of similarly reversible roadway out of the highway's median.

Express Lanes项目的多个任务必须计划,设计和建造在限量访问的走廊中,并在28个月的时间表内几乎在2012年8月7日举行的仪式开创性铲子后立即开始。

“从建设的第一天开始,一切都集中在为收费运营的第一天准备准备工作,” Fluor-Lane 95 LLC项目总监Walter Lewis说,这是跨城市领导的财团的设计建造承包商该项目的私人融资。该财团将根据与弗吉尼亚州运输部(VDOT)的75年合同运营和维护该系统。

北弗吉尼亚高速公路是Transurban/Fluor Corp.-Lane Construction Corp.合资企业的熟悉的草皮。当95 Express Lanes Job开始时,该团队正在首都环城公路西侧的14亿美元,14英里的收费车道项目。完成后,这两个项目将在Springfield I新利18备用网址nterchange连接。

的确,速度对该项目至关重要,以至于由于公私合作伙伴关系融资结构的最终发展,设计包装开发和客户审查的周期正在进行中。Transurban副项目经理Richard Prezioso说:“到包装正式提交时,它们已接近100%。”“我们的联合工作小组一直在制定计划,因此我们几乎同意了重大决定。”


现有的HOV车道为95 Express Lanes团队提供了现成的占地面积,但他们还没有为新目标做好准备。“升级不仅仅需要简单地重新铺设和添加标志,''首席设计师HNTB的中大西洋收费服务负责人Dan Papiernik说。

Besides widening 14.1 miles of the HOV lanes, existing concrete barriers on the existing section had to be demolished. Cast-in-place protective structures and guardrails with foundations for signs, lighting and tolling gantries had to be installed. Infrastructure to support the tolling system also had to be put in place, including more than 1.5 million linear ft of conduit and 3.7 million ft of cable and wire.

What's more, all of this work had to be carefully managed to meet VDOT's mandate that the existing HOV system be available to carpoolers during normal rush hour periods.